Sunday, July 22, 2012 Y 10:13 AM
so, yeah. Boyfriend and I are working together in this new band/collab, and I love it. I had actually been afraid to ask Boyfriend first because well, we didn't know each other well and you never know -- bitch coulda been crazy! But regardless I did email Boyfriend and luckily BF accepted to work on this together. So far I have recorded two more songs, one or two written -- so we're still infants, kinda, but i know what i wanna do -- and yesterday we released our new music film + song! major love!!! (i do vocals, BF does everything else) everyone has been really getting into it, even diplo tweeted bout it, got lil internet to call the cops on us. super nice email responses from other people, and yeah! so I'm happy. I shot this vid in front of an apartment complex and in the scene where i am beating my face with a dick, at one point I noticed and older person with a garden on their second floor balcony looking my way. i thought i was getting the cops called on me, never came, but what would i have said about the flashlight and dildo in my bag? lol. i mean i coulda said, "wanna play?" but i would be too afraid to be on that damn sex offender list. :(
Labels: band, boyfriend, first time, music, music film, snuff, WEARE18 0 comments Y 9:57 AM
as you know been working on this one for a while now but finally it is released, xxxclusively two weeks before the worldwide release date, on juno download. they've been cool. they even gave it a super cute lil' review, and it's on the front page of the site, so... yeah :)
lots of love from the dj side on this release, even our friends loved it! graeme gave it a super cute shoutout on graeme's radio show.
been told and heard it's a summer essential. i would say what some dj's said but i feel uncomfortable saying those things maybe because they were discussed in emails and i dnk. i don't ever know where those things stand you know? but even little boots tweeted support, so please check it out and XLR8R even ran a free download of rachael's "Extacy" which was the inspiration to get this thing together. now i'm planning on working on this juke comp, rachael's album, two more sir nenis singles, and who knows what else this year!!!
Labels: extacy, free download, graeme park, mp3, screamin rachael, summertrax, xlr8r 0 comments Y 9:45 AM
soooo, yeah it said my last post on july 9 but you know what i gotta live to be able to say anything in these updates, haha. anywho, i started a new, well a couple things, but mainly now i have a tumblr where all my instagrams go to and where i can just post images all day long, and videos. i feel like this blog is more text based where my tumblr is visually based. you can check it out at -- now you may just want to bookmark because i post a lot and frequently so i can understand how you, if you use the blogroll feature, wouldn't want to be bombarded with only my posts. that's just the way it is, things will never be the same... oh yeah
![]() Labels: changes, lifestyle, tumblr 0 comments Monday, July 9, 2012 Y 6:36 PM
by Mia McKenzie
"I think I’m a pretty self-reflective person. I think I try really hard to listen and learn and grow. I like the idea of evolving. Some days I evolve more than other days. Some days I do the opposite of evolving. Which, I guess, is still evolving, but in less desirable ways.
The hard work of self-reflection and emotional evolution are everyday practices. Every day, there are things I can do to grow, even if just a little bit. Doing these things won’t make me perfect. Nothing will ever make me perfect. But I can grow to be better at this human being thing. Here are some ways I know that may be helpful to you:
1. Stop hiding behind your intellect. Or your philosophy of life. Or your spiritual practice. Okay, so you’re smart enough to win arguments with carefully constructed points. Okay, so you learned a long time ago that you have to put yourself first. Okay, so you’re a Buddhist. So what? You want a cookie? Nah. You fucked up, and you need to own it. When you gossip about people and call itspeaking your truth, when you exhibit the same behaviors as people you claim to despise but somehow find ways to justify that behavior in yourself using skilled debate and footnotes, when you are adamant about showing love to the earth but terrible at showing it to other human beings, something aint right. You need to get on that.
2. Accept that racism/sexism/heterosexism/transphobia/ableism and all sorts of other really effed up stuff exists in the world. That we’re not making it up. And then accept that you are either part of the solution, or part of the problem. If you can’t list any concrete ways in which you are part of the solution (and, for the record, “Some of my best friends are black,” is not going to cut it), accept that you are part of the problem. And get on changing that.
3. Embrace your wrongness. Being wrong, knowing it, and holding that knowledge can be really powerful. Once you know you’re wrong, you can give up trying to win that argument and actually put your energy into listening, and maybe even learning something. Only dickheads and Republicans put energy into winning arguments when they know they’re wrong. Are you a dickhead? Are you a Republican?? What the fuck are you doing on this blog?!
4. Which leads me to…Give up being right. I have a friend who I kicked it with a lot a several years ago who would have an argument with someone (sometimes me) and get so wrapped up in how right she was that the friendship would suffer, and sometimes even end, because she couldn’t bear not having her rightness be acknowledged. She lost a lot of friends this way. The truth is, sometimes, you can be right or you can be friends. If you have to choose between the two, and your friendship means enough to you to be worth keeping, then there’s only one choice that makes sense. So get over yourself. K?
5. Take an emotional risk. I have known people who, in all the time I have spent with them, have never once taken an emotional risk. You know, people who only ask questions whose answers they already know so they don’t run the risk of being hurt by truths they can’t handle. Or people who never say I love you first. Or people who never say the thing that is at the back of their tongues, the thing that they are afraid will make them more vulnerable than they have ever been. I have been this person myself at times. Honestly, I have been this person many, many times. But I work on it every day.
6. Hold hands with someone. I think holding hands is one of the most vulnerable and connected things you can do with another person. Sometimes, if you lace your fingers with theirs, you can feel someone’s pulse in their hands. Go ahead. Feel someone’s pulse. Let them feel yours. It can be seriously liberating.
7. Create a boundary/respect a boundary. Creating boundaries is one way to let people know what you need. Respecting other people’s boundaries is one way to meet another person’s needs. The two go hand in hand. If you’re dynamite about setting boundaries and lax about respecting the boundaries of others, or vice versa, something’s off. I will admit that I have never been terrific at either of these things. But I’m much better than I used to be, and I’m working hard on both. What I’m working hardest on is understanding for myself the boundaries I’m setting and why I am setting them, where those needs are coming from, if they are real or just a way of controlling relationships and having the upper hand. If I’m just trying to get my way, without any regard for the needs of the people I claim to care about, that’s not real boundary-setting. That’s douchebaggery.
8. Separate what happened from your story about what happened. When I was six, I had the lead in my 2nd-grade class play and my mother didn’t come to the show. I was devastated and, as a six-year-old, I thought it meant that my mother didn’t love me enough. I grew up believing that. It became my story about my mother. Every time my mother did anything to disappoint me, every time she failed to show up in any way, it added truth to my story. Only it wasn’t truth. It was never truth. It was a story created by a wounded six-year-old. It took me 25 years to realize that. When I did, my life, my way of thinking about my mother and myself, my way of relating to everyone in my life changed. It didn’t make me perfect. I still behave sometimes in response to that story, with my mother and with everyone, but A LOT less than I used to. And when I do, I know what’s actually happening, I know it’s that story and not something real.
9. Check your ego. My ego is enormous, and I come ego-first into most difficult interactions. I used to think that my ego was there to protect me from things like rejection. But at some point I realized that it’s really there to protect itself from rejection. If in protecting itself it also happens to protect me, cool. But if what I need is different from what my ego needs, I’m fucked. Because my ego doesn’t really give a shit about what I need. That’s why it’s so necessary for me to put that bitch (my ego) in check. If we are constantly being protected from rejection, we miss out on a lot of life’s really important lessons.
10. Say you’re sorry. There’s someone out there who you wronged. You know it. You did effed up things, said really mean shit, lied, cheated, whatever. And you never apologized. At some point, you started regretting it. But you felt so much guilt, or so much time had passed, that you weren’t sure if you should go there, if you should bring it up again. Well, you should. If you want people to say they’re sorry when they hurt you, you better damn well be someone who says you’re sorry when you hurt other people. It’s not really that complicated.
(Yes, I realize the grammatically correct phrasing is we queers. I’m doing a thing here, okay?)" Labels: life, mia mckenzie, truth 0 comments Sunday, July 1, 2012 Y 4:04 PM Labels: WEARE18 0 comments |
about me, this blog. ( •́ .̫ •̀ ) "Jorge Cruz is a transgender avant-garde artist." - Wikipedia 👯 1/2 of WEARE18 🌚🌞🌝🌒 model 👝👡🌺 pop star 🎭🇬🇧 real life barbie✨🙍 BUY MY CLOTHES "'re a conoisseur of all fine culture" - A. "The photographs are, at times, depressing. At other times, they are a celebration of the simple life." - Curated Magazine "You are such a dirty whore on the inside though, I love it." - Bibiana "Chicago photographer, Jorge Cruz, is, in my humble opinion, what photography is all about." - Aline Smithson, Lenscratch "i keep forgetting how cruel you are" -Chaenel "your words are harsh and insensitive" - Max "I think Jorge sees everything. He responds in excellent, funny, questioning ways. He is a fearless artist. I appreciate his insightfulness. It's all pretty transformative. He is a very sweet person too. Works really hard and can do so many good things! It's sort of mystifying." -Colleen Plumb " your allusions to fictional or historical characters escape me" - J'air "A distance that is elusive and covetous" - Land Magazine " u'd be like "mariam this is pathetic, cooler things happen to me when i pee" - Mariam "I do not agree with your lifestyle and how you choose to follow it" - Max "you have an ugly heart" - A. "you crazy enough girl" - Sir Nenis A highly curated, highly selective, highly high of stuff Links URB Vice Gabi Fresh FRONTLINE Gozamos Al Jazeera 3 Quarks Daily The Mainstreamer! All Lacquered Up Hipster Runoff Mon amie, Jorge Man Repeller Advanced Style Future Shipwreck pitchfork reviews reviews Archive •October 2010 •November 2010 •December 2010 •January 2011 •February 2011 •March 2011 •April 2011 •May 2011 •June 2011 •July 2011 •August 2011 •September 2011 •October 2011 •November 2011 •January 2012 •February 2012 •March 2012 •April 2012 •May 2012 •June 2012 •July 2012 •August 2012 •November 2012 •January 2013 •February 2013 •March 2013 •April 2013 •May 2013 •June 2013 •September 2013 •October 2013 •November 2013 •January 2014 •April 2014 •June 2014 •August 2014 •November 2014 •December 2014 •January 2015 •February 2015 •March 2015 •May 2015 •June 2015 •August 2015 •October 2015 •December 2015 •January 2016 •February 2016 •March 2016 •June 2016 •October 2016 •July 2018 ![]() |