Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Y 12:59 AM

"The way I was growing up in London in the 80s, I had a fashion shop, and we used to sell a lot of t-shirts with big labels and logos, like Gucci and Prada. Obviously, now that’s illegal, but then it was the fashion. The interesting thing is that those labels weren’t for people like us in that time…. but I wanted to represent something from my background that could be quite fashionable. I played with lots of different elements, asking a Moroccan woman to put on a headscarf with a Gucci or Prada logo. If I went to the companies asking them to use their products in a shoot, they probably would have laughed at me. But this kind of work really communicates to the West. If there’s a woman in the veil and it’s Fendi or Gucci or Prada, the first thing people will notice is that it’s Fendi or Gucci or Prada, not that it’s a woman in a headscarf." [Via Dia-Boutique]




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